poor Brienne, rejected by both Stark girls. loved seeing Dorne and more of Braavos - both were beautiful locations. Cersei at her best and that council meeting was my favorite scene. Looking forward to the rest of the season. Some great stuff will probably be cut out in the show. Overall I think the direction will work if they plan to mostly finish books 4 & 5 in a season. The Lord Commander election sequence was definitely not as good as the book version. I guess they'll get rid of the Darkstar sequence which is a shame. Combining Arianne Martell with Ellaria Sand might work we'll have to see the rest of the season. Hopefully the show will somehow reunite Jamie and Brienne. Most of it was pretty boring until he meets up with Brienne at the end of Dance with Dragons. I didn't really like the Jamie cleaning up the riverlands in the books.
I really like the fact that Jamie and Bronn are going to head for Dorne. I thought the Stokeworth castle looked really fake. Where did she find a place to take a bath, put on some makeup and brushing her hair. The house of Black & White is a lot more impressive from what I imagined from reading the books. Some of the stuff in episode 2 was a bit boring but I'm sure they are setting up the storylines for the rest of the season.